Now You Know Podcast
Did you know that schools are bringing on hi-tech animal-friendly alternatives to science class dissections? Are you aware of the impact of captivity on whale & dolphin social networks and behavior? What is “framing” and what’s new at zoos that could change practices worldwide?
These are all topics that you might have heard of in the past. Yet today, we provide you with unprecedented knowledge in a new series of interviews with top experts from the animal science & conservation fields.
Listen to each episode as our guests reveal little known facts regarding animal welfare and they underscore its inextricable link with environmental responsibility and social change. Learn what you can do to help in your community. Lend us a hand to reach public figures and ask them to step forward bearing our message of change.
About Now You Know
Featured episode

The Truth About Ag-gag Laws and Who they Really Protect with Kathryn Sussman and Camille Labchuk
In the wake of NYK’s february focus on factory farm animal welfare, listen as NYK Executive Director Kathryn Sussman and Animal Justice Executive Director, Camille Labchuk, hash out the crucial significance of agricultural gag legislation (ag-gag laws). Kathryn and Camille discuss why the public needs to be informed about ag-gag laws, and why it is crucial that we all take a proactive role in striking them down. Ag-gag laws do not serve the best interest and welfare of factory farmed animals, and, in fact, they need to be struck down if these animals are to be protected from inhumane treatment and atrocious living conditions.
Recent episodes
Through the eyes of a wildlife-rescue specialist: The Australia Fires with Kelly Donithan
In this episode of NYK Politics, Kelly Donithan, senior specialist with the Disaster Operations at Humane Society International (HSI), Washington D.C., takes us on a startling journey: join us as we see through the eyes of personnel on the ground in Australia as they face the hard reality of rescuing wildlife amidst the perils and aftermath of the fires.
Is Ethical Fashion on Your Radar? Why It Should Be! with New York’s acclaimed Fashion Designer, Joshua Katcher
Did you know that entire species have gone extinct due to the fashion industry, and that the leather shoe industry is one of the main drivers of climate change? Have you heard that it is leather, not meat, that is by far the most profitable element of factory farming animals such as cows and pigs? Did you know that the wool is actually being pulled over your eyes when it comes to the sustainability and ethics of the wool industry itself?