Ex Dolphin Trainer Jeff Ventre’s Wild Transformation: A Necrotic Tail and A Human Revelation
In this episode of NYK Experts Uncut, Dr. Jeff Ventre, former marine mammal trainer at SeaWorld explains how after seeing killer whales in the wild, he had a profound and life-changing revelation: he could no longer condone cetacean captivity. Jeff, co-founder of the advocacy group, Voice of the Orcas, has co-authored science-based articles, is featured in the documentary Blackfish, as well as in the book Death at SeaWorld. He is also the lead organizer of Superpod, the world renowned symposium on cetaceans that brings together experts and advocates from around the world every two years in the San Juan Islands.

Behind the Smile: We’ve Banned it at Home, Let’s Not Do it Abroad – with Melissa Matlow
In this episode of Now You Know, Kathryn Sussman talks with Melissa Matlow, campaign director at World Animal Protection, about WAP’s WildLife. Not Entertainers campaign, which aims to get travel companies and tourists to understand the impact they can have on animals through tourism. Melissa, with more than fifteen years experience leading welfare and environmental campaigns in Canada and around the world, provides us with a background to this particular campaign: it was launched in 2015 with the goal to get travel companies to stop selling elephant rides. The most recent focus in the campaign is Behind the Smile, a thorough report that expounds on the multi-billion dollar dolphin entertainment industry.

Cetaceans in Captivity – Dr. Naomi Rose
Dr. Naomi Rose, marine mammal scientist of the Animal Welfare Institute, member of the International Whaling Commission Scientific Committee, outlines the impact of captivity on cetaceans and how conservationists around the world are fighting to find alternatives to traditional zoo practices.

Elephants Don’t Belong In Captivity – Dr. Winnie Kiiru
World famous wildlife biologist, elephant expert and international speaker, Dr. Winnie Kiiru describes how viewing elephant behavior in zoos is not an accurate reflection of natural elephant behaviour. Instead of educating kids, it is in fact only a lesson in seeing elephants exhibit aberrant behaviors in unnatural settings.

Let’s Keep Polar Bears Where They Belong: In the Wild – Rob Laidlaw
In this episode, Rob Laidlaw of Zoocheck highlights how this magnificent species, fascinating to people the world over, is one of the most prized and, therefore, most in demand at zoos around the globe, as they are a star mega-fauna attraction. However, polar bears are in fact one of most ill-suited species to captivity according to scientific research, given their wide-ranging nature and very specific and complex physical and psychological needs. Rob lays out the problems associated with keeping them in captivity and provides us with the tools we need to identify welfare problems when seeing them in zoos.

Framing in Zoos and Aquaria – Rob Laidlaw
In this episode, Kathryn speaks with Rob Laidlaw, founder and director of the Canadian animal protection charity Zoocheck. Listen as Rob describes the little known zoo approach of framing, which functions as a type of deception for the visitor, making animals appear like they are in more natural surroundings than they actually are. This practice caters to the human, rather than the animal, and is found frequently at zoos and aquariums around the globe. Learn what we as animal lovers can do to ensure a high standard of animal welfare if we do visit one of these facilities.

Is Captivity Ethical? – Andrew Fenton and Letitia Meynell
In this episode, Kathryn interviews Dr. Andrew Fenton and Dr. Letitia Meynell, philosophy professors at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia with specialties in bioethics, epistemology and animal ethics. Listen in as they remind us that even the top zoo industry leaders and personnel understand the importance of starting from the premise that captivity is inherently wrong. Taking care of captive animals then becomes a challenge of how can we best do this and meet each individual beings’ needs most effectively. Listen as these thoughtful and knowledgeable experts remind us that animals are not ‘things’ and should not be considered property under the law, as is sadly the reality in many countries around the globe.